Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hayden's First Bar-Going Experience

Today, Billy treated Vanessa, Hayden and myself to burgers (a grilled cheese sandwich for Hayden) for lunch. It was Hayden's first real restaurant experience...but, his definite first bar experience. He was excellent. He was perfectly well-behaved and ate all his sandwich (including some of the crusts!!). Thanks for lunch, Billy!!

Hayden's Bed Antics

Hayden's favorite playground is our bed...especially when the sheets are getting changed. He pounds on the mattress when he wants Shane to make it vibrate and plays peekaboo in the sheets. It is so funny to watch! Hayden always ends up totally breathless and so we have started calling the mattress 'quick sand' as that is what it is like for Hayden to crawl around on.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eating Vegetables

Hayden is a rock star. Apart from eggs, we have not come across a food that he does not like. Fruit and vegetables, however, rate pretty high in his preferred food category. Tonight he made a meal out of a Shane-Sized-Portion of mixed vegetables, five slices of chicken breast, a slice of cheese and a banana for dessert. I cannot believe how much food this kid puts away. He is a great sleeper and a great eater...I am having premonitions of what his teenage years are going to look like!

For all you parents out there that are thinking of writing a comment about how this will change over time and that he will become a picky eater in the end...don't bother! - You're just jealous anyway!!! I am just enjoying this period of time while he loves to eat his vegetables. We will deal with the next stage, if it happens, when it arises!

More Pictures From The Park

I promised these pictures several days ago. Sorry. Here are some more pictures from the other day when Hayden and I went to the park. He is just looking so good in his shades...too cool for school!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

15 Months And Growing

Yes, yes...I know. It has been a long time and so much has happened. Hayden is now walking, unaided. He is pretty stable on his feet most of the time and enjoys being able to bring Shane and I things while on two feet.

He still does not say much more that "What's that?"; but, he has several signs that he uses to let us know what he is thinking about or what he needs. He knows the signs for: eat, drink, light, fan, cat, dog, shoe, sock, daddy (still not doing mummy), bath and ball. He can tell you what a monkey says (oh-oh-oh) and what a cat say (e-ow). He can point to his nose, eyes, ears, teeth, feet and toes. He prefers to eat by himself; although, when preoccupied with a new toy, he will permit being spoon fed. He loves fruit and vegetables. He still has not eaten any form of refined sugar...the sweetest things he knows about are fruit and yogurts. He can eat a whole banana in two minutes flat and is developing a taste for plain water. He continues to sleep like a trooper, averaging about 16 hours a day! - Including 12 hours at night. He is growing up to be social with adults; but, a little bashful around other children...not surprising given that he has come to work with me since he was 2.5 months old and has rarely been around other children. He is learning to brush his teeth (read: suck the tooth paste off a tooth brush) and is good about putting things away and putting rubbish in the trash can. Tomatoes give him horrible diaper rash; yet, he loves to eat them. He still doesn't like toys that make any noise; but, he loves any toy that has wheels and he can push. He tends to get fixated with any new toys and he notices any small change in his surroundings. He had his fifteen month appointment last three months he has grown one inch; but, only put on 7 oz. He eats us out of house and home; but, promptly burns it all off walking around. He is still the most fun anyone can ever enjoy.

The videos were taken today at the park. It was hot today - 100 degrees. Way too hot for September. We were only at the park for about an hour before Hayden's cheeks were too pink to stay any longer. I hope you like the videos. I have some pictures to post too...but those will have to wait until tomorrow.