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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oreo Wrappers

Apparently, to a kid that has never had sugar before....even the wrappers are tasty. Hayden spotted me working my way through a pack of cookies and decided that the blue wrapper looked to be the best part. Let's just say that there was a minor tantrum when the wrapper was removed from the mouth and hands of the one year old.
I also lost my chair while playing in the back garden. Hayden loved this chair and did not give it up (we never declared to be raising a gentleman!) until it was time to come in. By that time, it was soaking wet from his wet clothes. It did, however, provide some great entertainment and some great picture well as a distraction from the removal of the before mentioned oreo wrapper.

1 comment:

ann hardy said...

its great to see some more pictures we have missed seeing them and seeing Hayden on the webcam - oh, and miss seeing you two as well!!!!