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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saying Daddy

As these three videos show, Hayden has now found his voice! Needless to say, we are both (daddy in particular!) putty in his hands when he says "Daddy." It is about the cutest thing that either one of us has ever heard. He is saying a few words now...Daddy, Cheers, Juice, Trash and Off - an eclectic group of words, for sure! You will notice, however, that mumma/mummy (or anything along those lines) is not listed...Hayden is still not saying (or signing) for mummy...there is always time!

He is also doing a few more signs, more, again, all done and all gone have all been added to his repertoire. He is even able to use two signs together; so, he can now say "Help, please" for example. It is amazing to watch his begin to comprehend and understand more and more everyday.

He is turning into a mimic artist. I frequently catching him copying moves he has seen Shane or I do...we really have to be careful what we say and do now!!


M(and/or)S said...

We can imagine that one word there can get you most anything you want Hayden. Now just add a Mumma in there and you will have it made!

ann hardy said...

thats is so lovely, and as M & S say, the sooner he can say mummy he definately will be putty in their hands.