Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Bouncy Chair

Elliot is spending more and more time awake these days...and I feel bad that he spends his awake time lying on his back on our bed or the couch - so, Shane and I invested in a bouncy chair in hopes that Elliot will enjoy being more social with the family!! So far, so good! He really likes his chair and when he gets the painful bubbles through his system that cause him to scream and cry, we can turn on the vibrator and it soothes him to sleep!

1 comment:

M(and/or)S said...

I am glad you like your new chair Elliot. You are such a sweet baby. I miss you and Hayden soooooo much.(And mom and dad too, of course.)