Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Play Date With Gracie

On May 10th, on a day off, Hayden, Elliot and I entertained Gracie for the day. Now, I am not sure what made me think I could possibly handle a toddler and two two-month olds...but I volunteered to help Vanessa out so she could have a productive day at work. Some how, by fate, magic or prayer (!), it turned out to be a highly successful adventure. Hayden did not show any sign of being jealous due to their being two babies in the house and, I have to brag about this, I even had all three kids asleep at the same time at one point!
Elliot and Gracie played in the new baby gym/play mat that I bought for Elliot which features all the bells and whistles such as a mobile (with lights and music!), mirror and lots of dangley things. It was so funny to watch them...they "held hands" the whole time they were laying on the mat. Gracie would kick the supports which made the dangley things moved which had Elliot mesmerized. It was so funny to watch! What is even more amusing is the size difference between the two. Elliot is two days older than Gracie; but, he arrived two weeks early. Gracie, despite being two days younger, is actually much older gestationally - she arrived nine days late!...There should have been three weeks between them, with Gracie arriving earlier. When they were born, there were just ounces between their birth weights, with Elliot outweighing Gracie...and, as can be seen below, Elliot continues to outweigh her!

1 comment:

Kaila said...

Very cute