Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hayden can now roll from his back to his belly! He sometimes gets high-centered on the one arm that he forgets to move out from under him...but, all in all, he is rolling from back to belly and back again! He is so funny to watch!
His second bottom tooth is already starting to come in. I can feel it right beneath his gum line just waiting to pop through. The tooth that is already in, is already a good few millimeters above the gum line. You can actually see it when he smiles now. He is still as good as gold despite teething. I have not had to give him any medicine as he has had no fevers or upset tummy. He really is a Stepford Child.
He is also sleeping through the night now! He has some rice cereal in his bottle before going to bed at night (between 6:30 and 7:30pm) and he sleeps until 5-6am the next morning. He has his 'first' breakfast, and typically goes straight back to sleep for another few hours...nice!! Don't worry, I am well aware that everything is a stage with babies and that this enjoyable one will likely end soon! We are just enjoying it while we have it.

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